Helena and Moss's Visualization of Brain Perfusion

At the intersection of art and neuroscience, Helena and Moss have created a visual representation of brain perfusion imaging.

The artwork consists of a balance between chaos and order. While the background represents the dynamism of brain function and blood flow, the grid-like arrangement of the brain scan images imposes a sense of precision and data that is needed in science. 

This artwork also represents a recent study in neuroimaging. The research focuses on developing a new method to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) instead of the current gold standard, positron emission tomography (PET) with 15O-water. The technique could enable more widespread and accurate CBF evaluation without the need for radioactive tracers that PET with 15O-water requires. 

Moreover, we hope that with art, we can open a window into the fascinating world of brain science - where we can look in and wonder.